Ep. 746 – The Blues Brothers

The Blues Brothers! It’s an 90s Super Nintendo game based off an 80s movie based on a 70s SNL skit, that is how you know it’s quality stuff and totally appropriate to all the material its based on. But first we must discuss the Blues Brothers movie at length, and even before that we draft out our personal top tens of SNL skits. We also talk various Jacks in media, washing machine woes and more. So please, sit awhile and listen to The Blues Brothers!

The Blues Brothers Shownotes:


Ep. 543 – Prehistorik Man

“You may have a single boon. What do you wish?” bellowed the Randomizer. “Ryan.” Tyler said, “I want my brother back.” The Randomizer narrowed it’s eyes and creaked a wry smile. “SO BE IT!”, the Randomizer exclaimed as it faded from view, leaving a single SNES cartridge where it once stood. Prehistorik Man! The platformer made by Titus back in 95 is what we are covering today, Ryan Holland reappears after a long hiatus as he and Tyler have a childhood history with this game. But that’s not all they cover, they talk girlfriend similarities, if you have to shave or not for certain activities, and serial killer Bob Berdella. Enjoy!

Prehistorik Man Podcast Shownotes:


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