Ep. 697 – Vortex

Vortex! Does it sound cool? Sorta! (In a 90s way) Was it fun? Define fun! Did it have an interesting history? Absolutely! The Randomizer dealt us an odd one with week with Vortex, a game none of us had heard of or seen. It was interesting and certainly has a place in the history of video games, along with it’s creator. So in addition to all things Vortex, we talk about Uno, Mario Party, and lots of anime – of course, there is also a draft! So please, come sit awhile and listen to Vortex.

Vortex Shownotes:


Ep. 696 – Williams Arcade’s Greatest Hits

Williams Arcade’s Greatest Hits! That’s right, we’re back to form this week with the Randomizer’s choice of this collection of classic arcade games from the 80s. It’s another special day – as of this recording TADPOG is officially 10 years old! We celebrate with a draft, a special gift for Ian, and a long anime discussion. But don’t worry, we delve into each of these games on this collection (we even have an entirely different episode on Joust alone). So come sit awhile, and listen to latest episode on our now 10 year journey.

Williams Arcade’s Greatest Hits Shownotes:


Ep. 691 – Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper

Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper has finally dragged its butt across the our proverbial podcast carpet. Maybe you know this game as Beethoven’s 2nd or maybe you don’t know this game at all – let’s be honest, you probably don’t. Is that a good thing? MAAAAAYYYYYBE. You will find out for certain if you listen to this episode. Do you like Christmas movies? We do a draft of Christmas movies. We talk about all the old bits that are stored in the back of the Hollanddeck. The boys played some Pokemon, some Miles Morales, and watched some standup. There may be a lot to unpack here so sit awhile and listen!

Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper Shownotes:


Ep. 690 – The Irem Skins Game

The Irem Skins Game is totally a golf game and not something else, we were also very confused when we heard the title. Not many games have the developer and a mode as their title (which irem loves their name so much it is on the box art twice) so it sounds a bit odd. But hey! Golf game? Have we done a pure golf game before? You’d be surprised. Come hear us do a sandwich draft, open a wonderful package, talk horror, talk food, and talk a great deal about The Irem Skins Game.

The Irem Skins Game Shownotes:


Ep. 689 – Tom and Jerry

Tom and Jerry SNES

Tom and Jerry. You know, you’ve seen the cartoon. Sometimes Tom looks like a cat, other times he is more like a cat person. Sometimes Tom and Jerry hate each other, sometimes they are best friends. They’re a duo that has endured since 1940. But how well do they translate to the SNES? Courtesy of The Randomizer, we find out. So please come check out a cartoon draft, the latest edition of Ian’s Horror Hole, a deep review of Sam’s Club pizza, and a reveal to who absolutely loves The Croods. Sit awhile and listen!

Tom and Jerry Shownotes:


Ep. 688 – GunForce

GunForce?! MORE LIKE FUNFORCE (trademark of Dave Moore) AMIRITE?!?!?! I would highly advise you listen and find out for certain, I mean look at that box art! And everyone has heard all about this SNES port of the GunForce arcade! We also talk about Halloween, the latest edition of “Ian’s Horror Hole” (Not trademarked, public domain), some anime recommendations, some Seinfeld references, and a very special quiz by one Mr. Puzzles Dane. Please sit awhile and listen.

GunForce Shownotes:


Ep. 687 – Stone Protectors

Stone Protectors! Do you recall this 1993 SMASH hit cartoon that aired 8 episodes and tried to combine the troll doll craze with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle craze? No?! But it even had a Super Nintendo release! Still no?! Well, neither did we so we all played it and do a pretty deep dive into it. We had to start with the new tradition of some sort of food draft – this time it’s cookies! So we did that, visited Ian’s Horror Hole, discussed some games we had played, Ian reveals to use there is a Criterion Collection Streaming Service, and end with a binge of all the (now long expired) food that everyone has sent in to us. So please come sit awhile and listen to three white guys talk about things!

Stone Protectors Shownotes:


Ep. 685 – Terminator 2: Judgment Day & T2: The Arcade Game

The Randomizer served some BAD, emphasis on that syllable, to the bone games in Terminator 2: Judgment Day and T2: The Arcade game to us this week. Ian takes Tyler’s weathered old mantle as the Cloud of Negativity when it comes to there two LJN classics. So come listen to us double on the Terminator games, we do another draft (hey, we like these a lot), talking some horror movies, talk some Overwatch 2, and get a gander at Dave’s Steam Deck. Come sit awhile and listen to us really bemoan Terminator 2: Judgment Day & T2: The Arcade Game!

Terminator 2: Judgment Day & T2: The Arcade Game Shownotes:


