Ep. 719 – Mohawk & Headphone Jack

Behold! Mohawk & Headphone Jack! Some sort of Garbage Pail Kid collects discarded AOL Trial CDs in a completely nausea inducing Mode 7 sort of way! Sound good? Well, you should totally try it if it does. We talk about The Abyss, the best darn fair in town, the movie Critters and more. No draft on this one but it’s because we wanted to make sure and take plenty of calls. So come here a weird job offer story, some Tim Robinson talk, and the likely deepest dive you’ve ever heard in Mohawk & Headphone Jack.

Mohawk & Headphone Jack Shownotes:


Ep. 716 – WWF Super WrestleMania, WWF Royal Rumble, & WWF Raw (SNES)

Hey, look! It’s WWF Super Wrestlemania, WWF Royal Rumble, & WWF Raw for the SNES! All courtesy of the dream team that is LJN and the The Randomizer! We bring a real life wrestler in the form of Brooks Arnold (his family is well and we did out show prep all properly and whatnot) so this episode finally happens! Brooks tells stories of his wrestling days, we do an Athletes draft and talk some anime, movies, and TV before doing a deep dive into these 3 games. So please do us a favor, sit awhile and listen!

WWF Super WrestleMania, WWF Royal Rumble, & WWF Raw (SNES) Shownotes:


Ep. 713 – Brunswick World Championship Tournament

Brunswick World Championship Tournament! That practically screaming bowling! And look at all those very recognizable faces on that not at all terrible cover art! It came out so late in the SNES’ life cycle that you know it was of the utmost quality and we are so very blessed by the Randomizer to play this gem of a game. But we also do a draft, visit Ian’s Horror Hole and get a little anime in our “Animay I?” segment. Like, love, hate or feel neutral about bowling, sit down awhile and listen to this one, won’t you please? Brunswick World Championship Tournament!

Brunswick World Championship Tournament Shownotes:


Ep. 713 – Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge & Kawasaki SuperBike Challenge

90s KAWASAKI FANS REJOICE! EVERYONE KNOWS THOSE SUPER POPULAR KAWASAKI GAMES ON THE SUPER NINTENDO! WHAT?! NO?! I am soooo surprised. These may be pretty different games but they both have Kawasaki in the title so we’re going to do them together, and it’s a good thing we did. So please join us to talk Picard Season 3, Star Trek Strange New World, some Urkel, some Akira, and even do a draft. We then do as deep of a dive as we can safely do on both these games, which isn’t very deep. So please, sit awhile and listen!

Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge & Kawasaki SuperBike Challenge Shownotes:


Ep. 712 – Pinocchio


Pinocchio, right? Everyone loved Aladdin, Goof Troop, Mickey’s Magical Quest – surely Pinocchio is right up there too? You did know there was a Pinocchio game, didn’t you? Since it came out at the tail end of the SNES’ lifespan. Well, if you’re in that slim minority – don’t you worry. We break down all the ins and outs of this one and maybe do a draft along the way. We talk some anime, some horror, some television, but we really do go through this game and have plenty to say about it,

Pinocchio Shownotes:


Ep. 711 – Super Play Action Football

Fresh off our Actual Play D&D game we are diving right back in with…Super Play Action Football. Hurrah. Have you heard of this game? You probably saw it on the SNES box and that was about it. Don’t worry, we will cover all the rest you need to know about this game on today’s episode. We get back in it with a draft, talk anime, talk TikTok, discuss a new book and more. Some please, come sit awhile and listen to some old guys talk about an old game outside their forte – but make it as best as they can. Super Play Action Football!

Super Play Action Football Shownotes:


Ep. 703 – Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings

“Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings”, said the Randomizer, cold and indifferent as always. “Would you punish us so harshly for playing Dungeons & Dragons sometimes?” Ian snarked. The Randomized smiled it’s blackened grin in return. “Go and embrace the controversial torch mascot from the 1996 games in Atlanta, my friends. May its slippery and everchanging form be of comfort to you all on your journey.”

Yep, it’s that sort of game. But we get to talk anime, movies, and discuss what our last meals would be, at least. Come sit awhile and listen, Derek. To this, our dark episode of Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings.

Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings Shownotes:


Ep. 702 – Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures

Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures! No Scott Pilgrim this week so we go back to the ever full well of The Randomizer – and it spit out Speed Racer. Remember that resurgence of Speed Racer in the 90s? Well, it’s here in FULL force today. It has been a minute since we have done a video game episode so we have plenty of movies and anime to go over with Ian, some great Fortnite talk with Dave, and a lack of a tooth from Tyler. We even take a good ol’ quiz from Ross Rachel Green. But we also have plenty of Speed Racer talk, not just the game but we cover the show as well. We didn’t watch the movie but we totally thought about it. Sit awhile and listen! Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures!

Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures Shownotes:


