Ep. 531 – Elite Soccer

Elite Soccer

Well, here we go again with this great gift from the Randomizer. HOWEVER, the blessing passed onto us is in a series so we can roll these two wonders together. What games, you ask? Elite Soccer and World Soccer ’94: Road to Glory. Part of the Striker series across the pond. We might not have the best track record with sports games BUT NOT ANYMORE! THIS EPISODE OF JAM PACKED FULL OF SPORTSISH STUFF! LADYBUGS! RODNEY DANGERFIELD! SPORTS QUIZZES! A REVIEW OF POPEYE’S CHICKEN SANDWICH! WE PROMISE YOU WILL ENJOY THIS PRETTY WEIRD EPISODE.

Elite Soccer Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
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  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 528 – Champions World Class Soccer

Champions World Class Soccer

Champions World Class Soccer. That is what the Randomizer gave us for this week. I’m not going to mince words or beat around the bush. We ain’t soccer guys. This ain’t a good game. It ain’t gonna make us soccer hooligans. So we talk about it but we also just have fun with this episode. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a stream of nonsense that has the most delicate soccer flavor that a podcast can have.

Champions World Class Soccer Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 510 – NFL Quarterback Club

NFL Quarterback Club

Lord Dennis joins us this week to talk about NFL Quarterback Club and NFL Quarterback Club ’96 for the SNES. What would it be like to live with sixteen year-old versions of ourselves. Piss Liars! There is a quiz that we totally nail without any help from Dennis because we are super footballists.

NFL Quarterback Club Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 504 – Pro Sport Hockey

Pro Sport Hockey

It’s our first episode in TADPOG Hexagon! We’re (kinda) talking about Pro Sport Hockey for the SNES, the 1993 hockey game developed by Tose and published by Jaleco. Captain Gun Nerd Jon and Wizened Sage Ian join us and help us take this episode deep into “Oops! All Intro Stories” territory. There’s more Green Ranger talk that carries over from last episode, a little MCU talk, and Jon finds out that he’s not Irish. So many tangents you’ll think you’re in Geometry class.

Pro Sport Hockey Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 502 – Roger Clemens’ MVP Baseball

Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball

We know everyone LOVES it when we cover sports games, so courtesy of the our new TADPOG god, “The Randomizer”, we bring you a sports game every bit as good as we are – Roger Clemens’ MVP Baseball! We have to bring back Chris Black to fill in all the gaps. Tyler tells his story, “A Tale of Two Beggars” and Chris eats some 30 year old gum.

Roger Clemens’ MVP Baseball Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 493 – Caveman Games

Caveman Games

Tyler’s back, baby! …and we’re talking about Caveman Games, the 1990 port of Caveman Ughlympics for the NES. We bring on leading TADPOG Nation anthropologist, Edgelord Kyle to talk about this historically authentic “sports video game”. We wrap things up by listening to some voicemails.

Caveman Games Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Theme Song:

  • Our regular theme song is Moves by Sycamore Drive and is used as our intro/outro under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.o United States License.

Ep. 453 – Tsuppari Ozumo

Tsuppari Ozumo

We strap on our respective mawashis to talk about Tsuppari Ozumo, the 1987 sumo wrestling game developed and published by Tecmo for the Nintendo Famicom. So…why are we covering this game? Well. We’re done talking about the games on the NES Classic, and this one is on the Famicom Mini (also Dave really wanted to play it). If you’ve been listening to the show for a while you know that we aren’t exactly what you would call “sports experts” but maybe Tsuppari Ozumo is the game that converts us. Maybe from this point forward we become real big Sumoheads. At the very least, we discuss the game. We open a package from Trash Bear.
Continue reading

Ep. 449 – Tecmo Bowl

Tecmo Bowl

Are you ready for some foooootball? We are!…or not? Either way, we strap on our helmets for this episode and talk about Tecmo Bowl for the NES. If you’re a longtime listener of our podcast, you know that sports games aren’t really our strong suit. That’s okay. We’re calling an audible (that’s a football thing, right?) and we’re bringing Time Lord Josh Edwards onto the field to lend us his gridiron know-how. Tyler issues a sports pop quiz, and we take a voicemail from Edge Lord Kyle about his personal experience with the game. Continue reading

