Ep. 804 – Super Goal! 2

Super Goal! 2, that’s right. Punctuation is hard in the SNES era. You also know how soccer games tend to go for us, so is this special? Do we dive in and wash ourselves in a hidden gem of soccer goodness that can reach even our sport game-hardened hearts? We won’t tell. (You probably know the answer). Super Goal! 2 Welcome back ChocoChica to the show after a very long hiatus to join Dave and Ian in trying a bunch of chicken sandwiches blindfolded. We further the chicken game by building our own chicken based meal draft. The hosts also talk some TV shows, some gaming, and a little bit more. So please, come sit awhile and listen! Super Goal! 2

Super Goal! 2 Shownotes:


Ep. 800 – Looney Tunes B-Ball

Looney Tunes B-Ball has more dunks than a donut shop all over TADPOG studios! This week we take a brief respite from movie games to fit in what we all heard was a hidden gem. Is it? We’ll get there. But first we talk about Police Story, Final Fantasy XIV, Cunk, and Sonic 3. Tyler has a bad night. What movie star has the most SNES game appearances? The results may surprise you. Then do a deep dive in Looney Tunes B-Ball and bring on, of NBA James fame, Captain Gun Nerd John Turley. So please, come sit awhile and listen!

Looney Tunes B-Ball Shownotes:


Ep. 716 – WWF Super WrestleMania, WWF Royal Rumble, & WWF Raw (SNES)

Hey, look! It’s WWF Super Wrestlemania, WWF Royal Rumble, & WWF Raw for the SNES! All courtesy of the dream team that is LJN and the The Randomizer! We bring a real life wrestler in the form of Brooks Arnold (his family is well and we did out show prep all properly and whatnot) so this episode finally happens! Brooks tells stories of his wrestling days, we do an Athletes draft and talk some anime, movies, and TV before doing a deep dive into these 3 games. So please do us a favor, sit awhile and listen!

WWF Super WrestleMania, WWF Royal Rumble, & WWF Raw (SNES) Shownotes:


Ep. 713 – Brunswick World Championship Tournament

Brunswick World Championship Tournament! That practically screaming bowling! And look at all those very recognizable faces on that not at all terrible cover art! It came out so late in the SNES’ life cycle that you know it was of the utmost quality and we are so very blessed by the Randomizer to play this gem of a game. But we also do a draft, visit Ian’s Horror Hole and get a little anime in our “Animay I?” segment. Like, love, hate or feel neutral about bowling, sit down awhile and listen to this one, won’t you please? Brunswick World Championship Tournament!

Brunswick World Championship Tournament Shownotes:


Ep. 711 – Super Play Action Football

Fresh off our Actual Play D&D game we are diving right back in with…Super Play Action Football. Hurrah. Have you heard of this game? You probably saw it on the SNES box and that was about it. Don’t worry, we will cover all the rest you need to know about this game on today’s episode. We get back in it with a draft, talk anime, talk TikTok, discuss a new book and more. Some please, come sit awhile and listen to some old guys talk about an old game outside their forte – but make it as best as they can. Super Play Action Football!

Super Play Action Football Shownotes:


Ep. 690 – The Irem Skins Game

The Irem Skins Game is totally a golf game and not something else, we were also very confused when we heard the title. Not many games have the developer and a mode as their title (which irem loves their name so much it is on the box art twice) so it sounds a bit odd. But hey! Golf game? Have we done a pure golf game before? You’d be surprised. Come hear us do a sandwich draft, open a wonderful package, talk horror, talk food, and talk a great deal about The Irem Skins Game.

The Irem Skins Game Shownotes:


Ep. 668 – Tecmo Super Bowl

Tecmo Super Bowl is finally here, after we annoucned it a few months ago. Why is it finally here? That’s because Covid finally arrived in the Holland household. So we bring back the true Randomizer and knock out all three Tecmo Super Bowl games for the SNES. Due to all the covid, we have to all be remote so just bear with us – we hope to be back in person next week in person with a new episode of the Scott Pilgrim game OR another gem gifted to us by the Randomizer. We talk what games we have been playing, some movies, and then do a deep dive into these games. We also take a jumbo quiz. Are you a fan of the Scott Pilgrim Game D&D sessions? If so, let’s see how you stack up against Ian and Dave when it’s quiz time! Tecmo Super Bowl!

Tecmo Super Bowl Shownotes:


Ep. 650 – Sterling Sharpe: End 2 End

Sterling Sharpe: End 2 End is finally here. At the end of the end of End 2 End. Who better to play and discuss a very little known SNES football game than the guys who have brought you a long series of confusing hours where they try to make sense of it all? Honestly, it actually turns out a lot better than expected. Come here some chat about Varsity Blues, Mockbuster movies, Nothing but Trouble, legitimate football, and some real talk about Sterling Sharpe. Sit awhile and listen!

Sterling Sharpe: End 2 End Shownotes:


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