Ep. 805 – Tyler and Dave Reorder IGN’s Top 100 SNES Games

Tyler and Dave Reorder IGN’s Top 100 SNES Games – well, that title says it all, yes? Ian wasn’t available for this one and we didn’t want to do a game so Dave had the wonderful I idea of doing something highly requested for many years now – how would we reorder the list that started this podcast over 12 years ago? Well, here it is. No fluff. No drafts. No intros. No closers. It’s straight main entree and no chaser. Tyler and Dave figure out a system and go game by game and negotiate the IGN SNES list with our own TADPOG flavor. So, if you’re a long LONG time fan, there here is a great episode for you. If you haven’t been listening for a decade – well, we understand if you don’t have any idea what is going on. Please, listener, won’t you sit awhile and listen to us re-do a list of 100 games?

Tyler and Dave Reorder IGN’s Top 100 SNES Games Shownotes:


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Ep. 804 – Super Goal! 2

Super Goal! 2, that’s right. Punctuation is hard in the SNES era. You also know how soccer games tend to go for us, so is this special? Do we dive in and wash ourselves in a hidden gem of soccer goodness that can reach even our sport game-hardened hearts? We won’t tell. (You probably know the answer). Super Goal! 2 Welcome back ChocoChica to the show after a very long hiatus to join Dave and Ian in trying a bunch of chicken sandwiches blindfolded. We further the chicken game by building our own chicken based meal draft. The hosts also talk some TV shows, some gaming, and a little bit more. So please, come sit awhile and listen! Super Goal! 2

Super Goal! 2 Shownotes:


Ep. 803 – Super Bowling

Super Bowling adds maximum oil to its lanes to slide its way onto TADPOG shores. Finally, the last pin has fallen as we have now completed the entire bowling game library for the SNES (there are only 2 games). So we celebrate with a very long 15 spot blind draft, talk about the life and death of Multiversus, some bowling movies, Ian’s Horror Hole movies of the week, pickles, and more. So if you’re a fan of some sweet sweet bowling action and 3 cis white guys talking about it on the Super Nintendo, won’t you come sit awhile and listen?

Super Bowling Shownotes:


Ep. 802 – Riddick Bowe Boxing

Riddick Bowe Boxing big daddies its way onto TADPOG shores, courtesy of the revitalized Randomizer (now back with full otherworldly powers). We bring on our foremost Boweologist, Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley. We sample some burgers, ala Good Mythical Morning style, while blindfolded. We discuss the merits of fast food, the history of Nosferatu, the perils of Overwatch 2 and Marvel Rivals, and more. Then we do a pretty deep dive into the particulars of Riddick Bowe Boxing. So won’t you sit awhile and listen?

Riddick Bowe Boxing Shownotes:


Ep. 801 – The Untouchables

The Untouchables somehow was missed in our movie games line-up (we eventually figure out why) so we agitate that gravel back to old haunts (a one week break) to the old movie and game plan! Before we talk about this Oscar award winning movie we discuss some Overwatch 2, a little Marvel Rivals, some Final Fantasy XIV expansions, a bit of the old Baldur’s Gate 3, and draft some fictional gangsters. Then we talk quite a bit about the movie and do a deeper dive into this game than any review magazine ever did. Our new Zine Lord has the stats to prove it. So won’t you come sit awhile and listen to this episode on The Untouchables?

The Untouchables Shownotes:


Ep. 800 – Looney Tunes B-Ball

Looney Tunes B-Ball has more dunks than a donut shop all over TADPOG studios! This week we take a brief respite from movie games to fit in what we all heard was a hidden gem. Is it? We’ll get there. But first we talk about Police Story, Final Fantasy XIV, Cunk, and Sonic 3. Tyler has a bad night. What movie star has the most SNES game appearances? The results may surprise you. Then do a deep dive in Looney Tunes B-Ball and bring on, of NBA James fame, Captain Gun Nerd John Turley. So please, come sit awhile and listen!

Looney Tunes B-Ball Shownotes:


Ep. 797 – Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York wraps up our SNES movie based games list. Farewell to thee, Mini-Randomizer. For a Christmas treat, we do a deep dive into the movie then as deep of a dive as possible into the SNES game. But first we talk about Maury, open some Christmas gifts, visit Ian’s Horror hole, and do the absolute most disgusting thing we have recorded on the show. All hail Dave for such a moment. So please, come sit awhile and listen to all things Home Alone 2 and more – MERRY CHRISTMAS with this little presentation of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Shownotes:


Ep. 796 – Pink Goes to Hollywood

Pink Goes to Hollywood! Why? TO GET AN AMBURGHEIR? GET IT! STEVE MARTIN! Yes, take this game and pair it with Steve Martin’s 2006 version of The Pink Panther. We roll in strong with talk of the latest shows and anime we’ve watched, stroll into Ian’s Horror Hole then do a pretty deep break down of the movie before jumping into the game talk. Lots of trivia and movie facts abound here. If you like the 60s Pink Panther, the 2000s version, the 90s cartoon or more – then you may find a little place here while we cover Pink Goes to Hollywood!

Pink Goes to Hollywood Shownotes:


