Ep. 734 – Virtual Bart

Virtual Bart. That’s right, Bart is back in virtual form! Did you know Bart’s Nightmare had a sequel? We didn’t! So join us for a deep dive into all the little mini games that comprise this game. But before that, we discuss the new Frasier and Ashoka. The we hit of Ian’s Horror Hole and have a little “Anime I?” before we do a very thematic draft and roll into our real feelings about this game as part of our SNES Simpsons Saga. So please sit awhile and listen to some straight white guys take a very deep dive on an early 90s Simpsons game!

Virtual Bart Shownotes:


Ep. 733 – The Simpsons: Bart’s Nightmare

Bart’s Nightmare has arrived on TADPOG shores, officially cementing our TADPOG Simpson Series where will cover all the SNES Simpsons games, back to back to back to back. To Tyler’s amusement, we dive into Bart’s Nightmare this week. We update you our Sea of Stars progress. Dave gets back into Phasmophobia. Ian loves The Exorcist. Tyler had stove drama. There is a food related draft. We end up jumping into the homework page of insanity that is this game. So please join us for a conversation on Bart’s Nightmare.

Bart’s Nightmare Shownotes:


Ep. 726 – Pizza Tower

Pizza Tower! It’s been talked about, copies have been purchased as incentive for us to discuss it, and it’s been batted about the Discord server – here it finally is. We might run the full gamut of emotions on this one. We’ll let you guess on who falls where. We a more heated draft than we imagined it would be, talk about an SNL skit, Mitch McConnell, Paul Rudd, and Overwatch 2. But we have plenty of Pizza Tower talk and even a very special treat from one Gitaroo Man Dalton Suter! So please, come sit awhile and listen! It’s Pizza Tower Time!

Pizza Tower Shownotes:


Ep. 719 – Mohawk & Headphone Jack

Behold! Mohawk & Headphone Jack! Some sort of Garbage Pail Kid collects discarded AOL Trial CDs in a completely nausea inducing Mode 7 sort of way! Sound good? Well, you should totally try it if it does. We talk about The Abyss, the best darn fair in town, the movie Critters and more. No draft on this one but it’s because we wanted to make sure and take plenty of calls. So come here a weird job offer story, some Tim Robinson talk, and the likely deepest dive you’ve ever heard in Mohawk & Headphone Jack.

Mohawk & Headphone Jack Shownotes:


Ep. 718 – Hook (SNES)

Hook for SNES is back! Remember when we did it many moons ago but had to delete it for court related reasons but we said all of those episodes would be redone over time? THE TIME FOR HOOK IS NOW! AND IT IS DONE PROPERLY AS IT NOW FEATURES IAN! We do our absolute favorite draft to date, so much so we made it a 10 pick instead of a 5 pick draft. We talk about the movie, the game, and so much more. So if you like the Hook for SNES and Game Shows, this one is for you. So please, sit awhile and listen!

Hook (SNES) Shownotes:


Ep. 712 – Pinocchio


Pinocchio, right? Everyone loved Aladdin, Goof Troop, Mickey’s Magical Quest – surely Pinocchio is right up there too? You did know there was a Pinocchio game, didn’t you? Since it came out at the tail end of the SNES’ lifespan. Well, if you’re in that slim minority – don’t you worry. We break down all the ins and outs of this one and maybe do a draft along the way. We talk some anime, some horror, some television, but we really do go through this game and have plenty to say about it,

Pinocchio Shownotes:


Ep. 703 – Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings

“Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings”, said the Randomizer, cold and indifferent as always. “Would you punish us so harshly for playing Dungeons & Dragons sometimes?” Ian snarked. The Randomized smiled it’s blackened grin in return. “Go and embrace the controversial torch mascot from the 1996 games in Atlanta, my friends. May its slippery and everchanging form be of comfort to you all on your journey.”

Yep, it’s that sort of game. But we get to talk anime, movies, and discuss what our last meals would be, at least. Come sit awhile and listen, Derek. To this, our dark episode of Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings.

Izzy’s Quest for the Olympic Rings Shownotes:


Ep. 702 – Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures

Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures! No Scott Pilgrim this week so we go back to the ever full well of The Randomizer – and it spit out Speed Racer. Remember that resurgence of Speed Racer in the 90s? Well, it’s here in FULL force today. It has been a minute since we have done a video game episode so we have plenty of movies and anime to go over with Ian, some great Fortnite talk with Dave, and a lack of a tooth from Tyler. We even take a good ol’ quiz from Ross Rachel Green. But we also have plenty of Speed Racer talk, not just the game but we cover the show as well. We didn’t watch the movie but we totally thought about it. Sit awhile and listen! Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures!

Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures Shownotes:


