Ep. 769 – Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is the latest in our SNES movie games series. So we dragged out the 1994 film alongside the game to get the full experience. Aaaand it was all quite the experience. This definitely falls into that category of, “Did the movie really need to be translated into a game?” So if you’re a fan of the film, we do quite a dive into it. If you haven’t played the game – who do you think you would control in it? If you’re a fan of anything Frankenstein, please come sit awhile and listen!

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Shownotes:


Ep. 768 – Dennis the Menace

Dennis the Menace is back! In movie and video game form. European Listeners, this is a very different Dennis the Menace and the story is pretty odd (don’t worry, we get into it). We have a very special draft that ended up being one of our favorites that we have ever done then we dive head long into the 1993 classic movie…then we pivot into the game. Let’s going ahead and put it out there that the Angry Video Game Nerd dedicated a whole episode to just this particular SNES game. So please, sit awhile and listen to us go on about the menace know as Dennis here in the United States.

Dennis the Menace Shownotes:


Ep. 762 – An American Tail: Fievel Goes West

An American Tail: Fievel Goes West moseys on over courtesy the Movie Game Mini-Randomizer. We had all missed this movie and game as a kids even though we remember the marketing very well, say thankee. Since it’s about a mouse we have to have a fictional mouse draft, followed by some talk about the new Fallout show, Ian’s adventures in Overwatch 2 – including comments on the new character Venture. Baby Reindeer is something we expected to find in Urban Dictionary but we talk about it. Of course, there is Dark Tower talk as the three of us are about to complete reading the series. Finally, we do a deep dive into both the game and movie so if you like fictional movie mouse talk this is the episode for you. So please, come sit awhile and listen!

An American Tail: Fievel Goes West Shownotes:


Ep. 761 – Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival

Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival connects its rainbow to TADPOG. Remember that Muppet draft we didn’t have time to get to on our last all drafts episode? Well, we just decided to go in “whole hog” (Wokka Wokka) and not only do a Muppet (well, anything Jim Henson) draft but we did the only applicable Muppet video game Tyler could find in a 2 minute Google search, this little gem for the NES. So please, come listen to a menagerie of Jim Henson creation content this week with Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival!

Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival Shownotes:


Ep. 756 – Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Bram Stoker’s Dracula FLIES on into TADPOG studios. You know, cause he can be a bat. Or mist. Does mist fly? I guess it does but maybe not in a traditional sense. It just sorts of mists around. Anyway, we finally get to Bram Stoker’s Dracula on the SNES and the movie in its full glory. Worry not, we really hit the movie part on the head here with copious amounts of movie talk and interesting tidbits. We also talk about the game. Spoilers, there may be a lot less to say about the game. But if you like Dracula and Gary Oldman, then this is the episode for you. Please, sit awhile and listen!

Bram Stoker’s Dracula Shownotes:


Ep. 752 – Toys

Toys! That long lauded movie that all sorts of kids completely misunderstood and had totally different expectations from has come to the shores of TADPOG. Worry not, we watched the movie and come fully equipped to talk about it as well as the game. Oh, HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY. We celebrate that by taking a romantic comedy draft. Ian discusses some Overwatch news, we make plenty of The Dark Tower jokes (we cry your pardon if you don’t love The Dark Tower even thought you should). We talk about fishing on boats in various video games. But we know you’re ready for that juicy and delectable Toys talk for the movie and the game. So please, come sit awhile and listen!

Toys Shownotes:


Ep. 749 – Drac’s Night Out

Drac’s Night Out is here and we are PUMPED! Get it? Because the game is sponsored by Reebok Pumps. Because Dracula needs those. But really, he does in this game. He’s like a reverse vampire where touching people kills him. We know this one sounds a little different (we do address is right away) but Tyler has finally succumb to COVID and needed to record remotely. We didn’t want to miss another week of telling you guys about Drac’s Night Out. So we do a Vampire draft, talk about vampires, and finally do a deep dive into this unreleased NES game game. So please just sit awhile and listen to Drac’s Night Out.

Drac’s Night Out Shownotes:


Ep. 735 – The Itchy & Scratchy Game

The Itchy & Scratchy Game is here and concludes our SNES Simpsons Saga! None of us had ever heard of or experienced this game in any way so it was brand new territory for all of us. But before we talk all about Itchy trying to kill Scratchy, we visit the Horror Hole, chat about some “Anime I?”, the new sauces at McDonald’s, and even more. So please, come sit awhile and listen to fight. And bite. And fight, and bite…and fight over the wonderful world of The Itchy & Scratchy Game.

The Itchy & Scratchy Game Shownotes:


