Ep. 808 – Super Troll Islands

Super Troll Islands, that’s right. ISLANDS. Plural. So many islands of souless hairy troll faces with their butt jiggly up and down ladder. That’s not me just being weird. THAT IS AN ART ASSET FOR THIS GAME. That makes you need to listen, right? In addition to all this ridiculousness, we do a deep dive back into the 90s with a 20 spot draft of popular trends from the decade. We saw a few movies, we played a few games, we talk about them. Then we dive head first into the warm, colored waters of the Super Troll Islands. Won’t you come sit awhile and listen?

Super Troll Islands Shownotes:


Ep. 801 – The Untouchables

The Untouchables somehow was missed in our movie games line-up (we eventually figure out why) so we agitate that gravel back to old haunts (a one week break) to the old movie and game plan! Before we talk about this Oscar award winning movie we discuss some Overwatch 2, a little Marvel Rivals, some Final Fantasy XIV expansions, a bit of the old Baldur’s Gate 3, and draft some fictional gangsters. Then we talk quite a bit about the movie and do a deeper dive into this game than any review magazine ever did. Our new Zine Lord has the stats to prove it. So won’t you come sit awhile and listen to this episode on The Untouchables?

The Untouchables Shownotes:


Ep. 794 – Toy Story

Toy Story is a true tale of gripping mythical science on the autonomy of spirit, the self-actualization of non-human entities, and the rules of engagement they have pre-conceived as a survival mechanism against a more dominant society of war-like god beings known as “the humans.” Or something like that. I saw the movie a long time ago. Come listen to us talk about it, the rules that govern it’s existence, and even more about the SNES game about it! We talk about some anime first, a few games, a few movies, and even try to latest round of sour candy. Some please, come sit and enjoy a podcast all about Toy Story (and a little about Cars and how it makes us feel.)

Toy Story Shownotes:


Ep. 785 – Warlock

This week on TADPOG, we’re casting a spell on your nostalgia with a deep dive into Warlock for the SNES—and we’re not stopping there! We’re also talking about the 1989 cult classic movie that inspired it. To help us navigate this dark journey, we’re joined by none other than Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley! From Does Warlock hold up in either format, or is it doomed to the retro graveyard? Grab your orb, summon your patience, and join us!

Warlock Shownotes:


Ep. 784 – Snow White: Happily Ever After

Snow White: Happily Ever After – you ever heard of this? So the kings of cheap, quickly produced animation, Filmation, produced their own non-Disney sequel to Snow White where she and a squad of girls save the prince this time around. It’s a pretty wild movie. So wild we have to bring on TADPOG IT to parse though it. Jon Turley makes his grand return. So we talk about the movie, the insanity that is Filmation, this SNES game. Why they made an SNES game of this, we don’t quite understand. But hey, it was a fun discussion. So please, come sit awhile and listen to Snow White: Happily Ever After!

Snow White: Happily Ever After Shownotes:


Ep. 783 – The Pagemaster

The Pagemaster swashbuckles, flies, and…limps its way to TADPOG shores. We’re all fans of Macaulay Culkin here but this movie slipped past both Tyler and Dave and the game eluded all 3 hosts. So it’s a deep dive into both the movie and the game yet again. Some powerful opinions all around. To describe the plot of the movie poorly – “A boy suffers a concussion and gain the courage to attempt dangerous bike stunts without a helmet.” So there is that, talk of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, a blind draft of child actors, and more. So please, won’t you stay awhile and listen?

The Pagemaster Shownotes:


Ep. 775 – Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy agitates the gravel on his way to TADPOG shores courtesy of the fact we just felt like doing this movie/game combo. This one is a real Girth Brooks with some TV talk, Ian’s Horror Hole, the drama of Tenacious D, and the mourning of the passing of some of our favorite celebrities. We do a double barrel ten spot blind draft then dive head long into Dick Tracy from the movies and the NES. Won’t you be so kind as to stay awhile and listen?

Dick Tracy Shownotes:


Ep. 773 – The Mask

The Mask, that means someone better stop us. You get it. The joke was smokin’. Get it? I’m throwing jokes at you like spicy meatballs. GET IT?! We watched the movie AND played the game yet again as part of our mini randomizer of authentic and high quality SNES movie games. This movie holds a special childhood place in all our hearts, so listen to us revisit it and review it then discuss how the game compares. We do a blind draft, Ian’s Mercari fiasco, and more. So please come sit awhile and listen to try to pull the Norse god Loki out of green mask in The Mask!

The Mask Shownotes:


