Ep. 806 – Phalanx

Phalanx strums the old banjo into the halls of TADPOG. Have you heard of Phalanx? Maybe not. Are you millenial? Then you’ll probably recognize the iconic and weird box art. That probably bodes well for us, right? Such well known art for a game that no one really recalls what kind of game it was, yes? ANYWAY, we bring on our foremast old man with banjologist – Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley. We talk about jug bands, box art, visit Ian’s Horror Hole, discuss some books, some Game of Thrones and have some bar related drafts. So if you’ve ever been curious about the game with the weird box art, come sit awhile and listen!

Phalanx Shownotes:


Ep. 803 – Super Bowling

Super Bowling adds maximum oil to its lanes to slide its way onto TADPOG shores. Finally, the last pin has fallen as we have now completed the entire bowling game library for the SNES (there are only 2 games). So we celebrate with a very long 15 spot blind draft, talk about the life and death of Multiversus, some bowling movies, Ian’s Horror Hole movies of the week, pickles, and more. So if you’re a fan of some sweet sweet bowling action and 3 cis white guys talking about it on the Super Nintendo, won’t you come sit awhile and listen?

Super Bowling Shownotes:


Ep. 753 – Casper

Casper ectoplasmically slides its way into our episode list this week! We just had to see what other gems Absolute Entertainment could cook up for us. Ian and Tyler had some very positive memories of this movie and Dave had never experienced it before so we’re ripe with movie talk on top of the game talk this week. We also talk about some Marvel movies, some Marvel shows, The Dark Tower and more. So won’t you come sit awhile and listen to some old guys talk about Casper, the friendly ghost?

Casper Shownotes:


Ep. 752 – Toys

Toys! That long lauded movie that all sorts of kids completely misunderstood and had totally different expectations from has come to the shores of TADPOG. Worry not, we watched the movie and come fully equipped to talk about it as well as the game. Oh, HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY. We celebrate that by taking a romantic comedy draft. Ian discusses some Overwatch news, we make plenty of The Dark Tower jokes (we cry your pardon if you don’t love The Dark Tower even thought you should). We talk about fishing on boats in various video games. But we know you’re ready for that juicy and delectable Toys talk for the movie and the game. So please, come sit awhile and listen!

Toys Shownotes:


Ep. 749 – Drac’s Night Out

Drac’s Night Out is here and we are PUMPED! Get it? Because the game is sponsored by Reebok Pumps. Because Dracula needs those. But really, he does in this game. He’s like a reverse vampire where touching people kills him. We know this one sounds a little different (we do address is right away) but Tyler has finally succumb to COVID and needed to record remotely. We didn’t want to miss another week of telling you guys about Drac’s Night Out. So we do a Vampire draft, talk about vampires, and finally do a deep dive into this unreleased NES game game. So please just sit awhile and listen to Drac’s Night Out.

Drac’s Night Out Shownotes:


Ep. 747 – Clue

Clue is here! We know the SNES game isn’t really based off the movie but it’s a really great excuse to also rewatch the Tim Curry classic since there may not be a huge amount to say about an SNES game based off a board game that plays…very much like a board game. So please come hang out with us while we talk some TV shows, FFXIV expansions, some Dark Tower, do a board game draft AND talk a whole lot about Clue the movie. And as much as the SNES game as possible. Clue!

Clue Shownotes:


Ep. 745 – Wayne’s World

Wayne’s World schwings on over to the shores of TADPOG as we go one more game into our “Saturday Night Live movies that were turned into Super Nintendo games” series. We had to go back and refresh ourselves on the movie, the skit, and we even played the video game. We visit a special Holiday Horror Hole, remember Hades fondly, discuss donut hamburger induced traffic congestion, do a draft, and talk all things Wayne’s World – if any of that sounds good to you then please come sit awhile and listen to a podcast about Wayne’s World.

Wayne’s World Shownotes:


Ep. 744 – Dirty Harry

Dirty Harry asks us just how lucky we feeling playing his NES game this week on TADPOG. This week may not get us any closer to finishing our SNES list but it’s a good continuation of our “R Rated Moves turned into video games” series. Yes, it’s another series. We love them. Get used to it. Everything is a series. But before we do a deep dive into the first Dirty Harry movie and the NES game – we talk Overwatch 2. Ian has a particularly good match. We briefly visit The Horror Hole, discuss the latest offerings of Eddie Murphy, hit up The Dark Tower, and do a little Christmas themed draft. So please, come get dirty with us. Dirty Harry. If you feel lucky. Punk.

Dirty Harry Shownotes:


