Ep. 801 – The Untouchables

The Untouchables somehow was missed in our movie games line-up (we eventually figure out why) so we agitate that gravel back to old haunts (a one week break) to the old movie and game plan! Before we talk about this Oscar award winning movie we discuss some Overwatch 2, a little Marvel Rivals, some Final Fantasy XIV expansions, a bit of the old Baldur’s Gate 3, and draft some fictional gangsters. Then we talk quite a bit about the movie and do a deeper dive into this game than any review magazine ever did. Our new Zine Lord has the stats to prove it. So won’t you come sit awhile and listen to this episode on The Untouchables?

The Untouchables Shownotes:


Ep. 788 – Hudson Hawk

Hudson Hawk arrived on TADPOG shores…hauled to from from the lowest depths by our very own Wizened Sage Ian. All three of us sat down, spent money to rent it, and watched the 1991 Bruce Willis box office bomb (it killed a studio) and receiver of 3 Razzie awards (nominated for 5) Hudson Hawk. Of course, this has its very own very late NES release. So not only do we get the full Hawk, we play this marvel of game as well. So if you want some real Hudson Hawk double dose chat, – oh boy do we have an episode for you. So please, don’t let our pain be for nothing. Come sit awhile and listen to this episode over Hudson Hawk!

Hudson Hawk Shownotes:


Ep. 768 – Dennis the Menace

Dennis the Menace is back! In movie and video game form. European Listeners, this is a very different Dennis the Menace and the story is pretty odd (don’t worry, we get into it). We have a very special draft that ended up being one of our favorites that we have ever done then we dive head long into the 1993 classic movie…then we pivot into the game. Let’s going ahead and put it out there that the Angry Video Game Nerd dedicated a whole episode to just this particular SNES game. So please, sit awhile and listen to us go on about the menace know as Dennis here in the United States.

Dennis the Menace Shownotes:


Ep. 765 – Lethal Weapon

Lethal Weapon brings all its…weapons…lethally to TADPOG shores. You see Joe Pesci up there? But it says Lethal Weapon when clearly he is a character from the sequel? Are you confused? Same here. We ended up watching the first movie but the game is actually over the sequel so just know that going into this one. We do a real Girth Brooks of a Famous Duos draft, we talk about Jim Lahey, leveling Scholar, and more. So please sit awhile and listen to this episode!

Lethal Weapon Shownotes:


Ep. 759 – Jurassic Park (SNES)

Jurassic Park finally dino DNA’s it’s way onto TADPOG shores. Sure, we have done Jurassic Park on the Genesis and The Chaos Continues AND The Lost World but somehow we completed missed the SNES version of the original Jurassic Park. Is it cool and shadowy like the Genesis? Can you play as the Raptor? STAY TUNED AND FIND OUT! (No, you can’t. It’s very very different). We also talk a lot of about the movie and what it meant to us as kids. We also do a deep dive into some random facts that are pretty interesting. So if you like all that sort of stuff, please sit awhile and listen!

Jurassic Park (SNES) Shownotes:


Ep. 742 – RoboCop 3

RoboCop 3, that means the coming of RoboCop not once, not twice but THRICE! And this time on the Super Nintendo! Was it a good movie? Was it a good game? Let me ask you this – was there a RoboCop 4? We do a deep dive into not just the game but also the movie, just for you. We talk about Thanksgiving foods, a little but of the MCU, and there just happens to be plenty more Dark Tower talk as Dave gets further into the series. So if you like a bit robo, and a little bit cop, and all about the Robocop, then we beg you to sit awhile and listen to RoboCop 3.

RoboCop 3 Shownotes:


Ep. 718 – Hook (SNES)

Hook for SNES is back! Remember when we did it many moons ago but had to delete it for court related reasons but we said all of those episodes would be redone over time? THE TIME FOR HOOK IS NOW! AND IT IS DONE PROPERLY AS IT NOW FEATURES IAN! We do our absolute favorite draft to date, so much so we made it a 10 pick instead of a 5 pick draft. We talk about the movie, the game, and so much more. So if you like the Hook for SNES and Game Shows, this one is for you. So please, sit awhile and listen!

Hook (SNES) Shownotes:


Ep. 679 – Waterworld (SNES)

Waterworld SNES style! Did you love the 1994 Kevin Cosner movie about a world covered in water? YOU DID? Oh, you didn’t? Sorry, my ears are water logged. In a rare return to a game episode, Half of TADPOG Sweethearts, Nicole joins us to speak quite a bit about the movie Waterworld (you can’t talk about this game without understanding what in the world they are trying to replicate) and then the boys do a deep dive into this game. We talk special corduroy hates, games we have spent the most time on, Ian’s favorite brand of reusable water bottles, and we take a few special calls. Come sit awhile and listen! Waterworld SNES!

Waterworld (SNES) Shownotes:


