Ep. 803 – Super Bowling

Super Bowling adds maximum oil to its lanes to slide its way onto TADPOG shores. Finally, the last pin has fallen as we have now completed the entire bowling game library for the SNES (there are only 2 games). So we celebrate with a very long 15 spot blind draft, talk about the life and death of Multiversus, some bowling movies, Ian’s Horror Hole movies of the week, pickles, and more. So if you’re a fan of some sweet sweet bowling action and 3 cis white guys talking about it on the Super Nintendo, won’t you come sit awhile and listen?

Super Bowling Shownotes:


Ep. 245 – Pepsiman


We continue our advergame spirit quest by discussing Pepsiman, the 1999 Japanese running game for the Sony PlayStation. But wait, that’s not all. We reminisce about Christian mosh pits, answer an email from two-years ago, take a soda quiz, and respond to listener voicemail.


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Theme Song:

  • Our regular theme song is Moves by Sycamore Drive and is used as our intro/outro under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.o United States License.

