Ep. 806 – Phalanx

Phalanx strums the old banjo into the halls of TADPOG. Have you heard of Phalanx? Maybe not. Are you millenial? Then you’ll probably recognize the iconic and weird box art. That probably bodes well for us, right? Such well known art for a game that no one really recalls what kind of game it was, yes? ANYWAY, we bring on our foremast old man with banjologist – Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley. We talk about jug bands, box art, visit Ian’s Horror Hole, discuss some books, some Game of Thrones and have some bar related drafts. So if you’ve ever been curious about the game with the weird box art, come sit awhile and listen!

Phalanx Shownotes:


Ep. 802 – Riddick Bowe Boxing

Riddick Bowe Boxing big daddies its way onto TADPOG shores, courtesy of the revitalized Randomizer (now back with full otherworldly powers). We bring on our foremost Boweologist, Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley. We sample some burgers, ala Good Mythical Morning style, while blindfolded. We discuss the merits of fast food, the history of Nosferatu, the perils of Overwatch 2 and Marvel Rivals, and more. Then we do a pretty deep dive into the particulars of Riddick Bowe Boxing. So won’t you sit awhile and listen?

Riddick Bowe Boxing Shownotes:


Ep. 800 – Looney Tunes B-Ball

Looney Tunes B-Ball has more dunks than a donut shop all over TADPOG studios! This week we take a brief respite from movie games to fit in what we all heard was a hidden gem. Is it? We’ll get there. But first we talk about Police Story, Final Fantasy XIV, Cunk, and Sonic 3. Tyler has a bad night. What movie star has the most SNES game appearances? The results may surprise you. Then do a deep dive in Looney Tunes B-Ball and bring on, of NBA James fame, Captain Gun Nerd John Turley. So please, come sit awhile and listen!

Looney Tunes B-Ball Shownotes:


Ep. 795 – Super Godzilla

Super Godzilla rises from the seas around TADPOG studios, bringing with it Godzilla Minus One for us to watch – since this game doesn’t parallel any Godzilla in particular (as far as we can tell). Of course, Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley – our foremost Godzillologist, joins us. As he did not watch the movie or play the game he is there to be pretty and we love it. So join us as we talk about Jack Black, a made for TV movie starring John Travolta, a 62 hour audio book, building our own boy dinner, and finally Godzilla Minus One and this very very off SNES game. Please, sit awhile and listen to Super Godzilla!

Super Godzilla Shownotes:


Ep. 793 – Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast. It’s a podcasting tale as old as time (well, 12 years at least). We are nearing the end of the SNES movie games list so the time has come to discuss both the game and the movie for Beauty and the Beast. We just had to bring on our foremost Beastologist, Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley, to give zero insight into this movie since he has never seen it. That’s how much we love him. So please, come hang out with us while we talk a bit about kidney stones, horror movies and all the iterations of this story. Please, sit awhile and listen to this podcast about Beauty and the Beast!

Beauty and the Beast Shownotes:


Ep. 785 – Warlock

This week on TADPOG, we’re casting a spell on your nostalgia with a deep dive into Warlock for the SNES—and we’re not stopping there! We’re also talking about the 1989 cult classic movie that inspired it. To help us navigate this dark journey, we’re joined by none other than Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley! From Does Warlock hold up in either format, or is it doomed to the retro graveyard? Grab your orb, summon your patience, and join us!

Warlock Shownotes:


Ep. 784 – Snow White: Happily Ever After

Snow White: Happily Ever After – you ever heard of this? So the kings of cheap, quickly produced animation, Filmation, produced their own non-Disney sequel to Snow White where she and a squad of girls save the prince this time around. It’s a pretty wild movie. So wild we have to bring on TADPOG IT to parse though it. Jon Turley makes his grand return. So we talk about the movie, the insanity that is Filmation, this SNES game. Why they made an SNES game of this, we don’t quite understand. But hey, it was a fun discussion. So please, come sit awhile and listen to Snow White: Happily Ever After!

Snow White: Happily Ever After Shownotes:


Ep. 758 – The Hunt for Red October

The Hunt for Red October has starting being…hunted. The hunt has begun? Began? We have hunted our hunt for The Hunt of Red October? Whatever. We watched a the movie and played an SNES game based off of it to continue our SNES Movie Games series. TADPOG brushes up on our best Scottish accents and reach deep in the guest host bag to pull out another reunion of TADPOG I.T. with Jon Turley! We talk about smart household technology, appliances that play songs, other submarine movies, and several Kelsey Grammer projects. If you like the movie talk, and the game talk, and all our various tangents while we do all the movie and the game talk then you’ll certainly like this one. Please, come sit awhile and listen.

The Hunt for Red October Shownotes:


