Ep. 799 – All Calls Go To Heaven

All Calls Go To Heaven! Just like all dogs. That’s right. Calls. We needed do some some calls this week because life always happens and our hearts go out to Ian. We’ll get back to Looney Tunes B-Ball next week, we promise. I’ll (Tyler) be straight with you this week. All Calls isn’t everyone’s thing, I get that. Sometimes we just need the therapy/relaxed fit of the episode type. But when I tell you, outright, this is one of my favorite episode we have ever recorded – I mean that very seriously. Emotional ups and down are present but we probably engage in the best tangent ever. Big thanks to Poobrounder. Believe me when I ask, as it will be worth your while if you’re already a fan – please sit awhile and listen! All Calls Go To Heaven!

All Calls Shownotes:


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Ep. 776 – Blind Draft Day (and some Calls)!

Blind Draft Day (and some Calls) comes around for us. Anytime we have to do that quick Monday to Thursday turn around time to catch up on recordings (12 years running on not letting you down yet) so we enjoy getting to mix is up with plenty of discussions, blind drafts, more blind drafts, another draft that happens to be done blindly, and one last thing where Tyler names random things based on a similar premise while Dave and Ian do some sort of ranking where they don’t know what the next item is going to be. So we have that going for us, which is nice. So, please come sit awhile and listen to us do all those things for Blind Draft Day (and some Calls)!

Blind Draft Day (and some Calls) Shownotes:


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Ep. 772 – TADPOG Cheat Day!

TADPOG Cheat day! That’s right, we had a quick turn around because of work related things so we treated ourselves to a cheat day. That means we just chat, do some fun little games (blind drafting) and just hang out. Not much game stuff for this one but if you feel like hanging out with us for a little while to cheat on your steady diet of video game content, please sit awhile and listen!

TADPOG Cheat Day Shownotes:


Ep. 760 – All Drafts: Total Eclipse Edition

All Drafts: Eclipse Edition comes to blindly on this hallowed, the day of eclipse. Well, for us anyway. TADPOG happens to lie right in the path of totality so it was quite the day for the area. And quite the day for Ian, his has finally been bitten by the COVID zombie. He didn’t hide his bite but was a great host protagonist and told the group. So to not spread it, this episode sounds a little different since we are remote for it. So be patient and kind with us please, the plague must be contained. So listen to us go through some drafts with All Drafts: Eclipse Edition!

All Drafts: Eclipse Edition Shownotes:


