Ep. 806 – Phalanx

Phalanx strums the old banjo into the halls of TADPOG. Have you heard of Phalanx? Maybe not. Are you millenial? Then you’ll probably recognize the iconic and weird box art. That probably bodes well for us, right? Such well known art for a game that no one really recalls what kind of game it was, yes? ANYWAY, we bring on our foremast old man with banjologist – Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley. We talk about jug bands, box art, visit Ian’s Horror Hole, discuss some books, some Game of Thrones and have some bar related drafts. So if you’ve ever been curious about the game with the weird box art, come sit awhile and listen!

Phalanx Shownotes:


Ep. 804 – Super Goal! 2

Super Goal! 2, that’s right. Punctuation is hard in the SNES era. You also know how soccer games tend to go for us, so is this special? Do we dive in and wash ourselves in a hidden gem of soccer goodness that can reach even our sport game-hardened hearts? We won’t tell. (You probably know the answer). Super Goal! 2 Welcome back ChocoChica to the show after a very long hiatus to join Dave and Ian in trying a bunch of chicken sandwiches blindfolded. We further the chicken game by building our own chicken based meal draft. The hosts also talk some TV shows, some gaming, and a little bit more. So please, come sit awhile and listen! Super Goal! 2

Super Goal! 2 Shownotes:


Ep. 803 – Super Bowling

Super Bowling adds maximum oil to its lanes to slide its way onto TADPOG shores. Finally, the last pin has fallen as we have now completed the entire bowling game library for the SNES (there are only 2 games). So we celebrate with a very long 15 spot blind draft, talk about the life and death of Multiversus, some bowling movies, Ian’s Horror Hole movies of the week, pickles, and more. So if you’re a fan of some sweet sweet bowling action and 3 cis white guys talking about it on the Super Nintendo, won’t you come sit awhile and listen?

Super Bowling Shownotes:


Ep. 800 – Looney Tunes B-Ball

Looney Tunes B-Ball has more dunks than a donut shop all over TADPOG studios! This week we take a brief respite from movie games to fit in what we all heard was a hidden gem. Is it? We’ll get there. But first we talk about Police Story, Final Fantasy XIV, Cunk, and Sonic 3. Tyler has a bad night. What movie star has the most SNES game appearances? The results may surprise you. Then do a deep dive in Looney Tunes B-Ball and bring on, of NBA James fame, Captain Gun Nerd John Turley. So please, come sit awhile and listen!

Looney Tunes B-Ball Shownotes:


Ep. 799 – All Calls Go To Heaven

All Calls Go To Heaven! Just like all dogs. That’s right. Calls. We needed do some some calls this week because life always happens and our hearts go out to Ian. We’ll get back to Looney Tunes B-Ball next week, we promise. I’ll (Tyler) be straight with you this week. All Calls isn’t everyone’s thing, I get that. Sometimes we just need the therapy/relaxed fit of the episode type. But when I tell you, outright, this is one of my favorite episode we have ever recorded – I mean that very seriously. Emotional ups and down are present but we probably engage in the best tangent ever. Big thanks to Poobrounder. Believe me when I ask, as it will be worth your while if you’re already a fan – please sit awhile and listen! All Calls Go To Heaven!

All Calls Shownotes:


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Ep. 798 – All Calls Lang Syne

All Calls Lang Syne! You know what that means, HAPPY NEW YEAR! With all the holidays going on we needed to do something that required a bit less from us – Calls! We also make our own Southern Meal on a budget draft. Thanks to everyone who hung out and supported us through 2024 and all its ups and down, we appreciate all of you. So if you just want to hang out with us while your nurse your New Years Eve hangover, please lay awhile and listen!

All Calls Shownotes:


Ep. 760 – All Drafts: Total Eclipse Edition

All Drafts: Eclipse Edition comes to blindly on this hallowed, the day of eclipse. Well, for us anyway. TADPOG happens to lie right in the path of totality so it was quite the day for the area. And quite the day for Ian, his has finally been bitten by the COVID zombie. He didn’t hide his bite but was a great host protagonist and told the group. So to not spread it, this episode sounds a little different since we are remote for it. So be patient and kind with us please, the plague must be contained. So listen to us go through some drafts with All Drafts: Eclipse Edition!

All Drafts: Eclipse Edition Shownotes:


Ep. 731 – One Calls

One Calls! That’s right. We take exactly 1 call. Is it particularly long and cucumbersome (I realize) call? Does it take us deep into our souls and yield the fruit of beautiful revealing conversation? Or do we go really long on a draft we enjoyed and only had time to take a single call? You should listen and find out. We may technically take 2 calls but that first call is something totally different. How is it different? Why is it different? You’ll have to sit awhile and listen to find out. One Calls.

One Calls Shownotes:


