Ep. 585 – Final Fight 3

Final Fight 3

This episode concludes the Final Fight series on the SNES! We take the power back from the Randomizer and do Final Fight 3 and Final Fight Guy to bring a beloved series to a close. I might say this show is 40% tangents, 50% Final Fight 3, 9% Quizzes, and a whopping 1% Final Fight Guy because that is literally all it deserves. We open an AMAZING package, go over a game that really surprised us, and a go over a game that did not. We think Alex Pena will give this episode a heart on Facebook so come check it out!

Final Fight 3 Shownotes:


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  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
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  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 566 – Legend

Legend. With a name like that, it has to be good, right? Or at least similar to the a plethora of other games that would also fit that sort of name? Yes, the second one. That’s exactly how it is. So the Randomizer dealt Tyler and Dave the side scrolling beat ’em up Legend. We give you a Jack update, how Melissa helped Tyler conquer something that he very much wanted conquered, Dave tells some sweet new Ultima Online stories. So please come check out a pretty okay review of Legend for the Super Nintendo.

Legend Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
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  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 562 – Knights of the Round

Pretty good hand we got dealt by the Randomizer this week with Knights of the Round. It even scooped us up Sandwich Pope Phil Hawkins and J Jonah Jetplane Jonathan Wilson (though being on the other side of the world precluded his attendance). We talk hacked reddit accounts, eating in bed, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, and a little about a talking mongoose – along with a decent dive in Knights of the Round. Enjoy!

Knights of the Round Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
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  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 556 – Ren & Stimpy SNES Games

Tyler and Dave loved Nicktoons growing up. Doug, Rugrats, Rocko’s Modern Life — and one more that the Randomizer had to ruin for us, Ren & Stimpy. So the Randomizer dealt us Ren & Stimpy: Fire Dogs for the SNES. But we decided to finish off the whole series and throw in Time Warp, Veediots, and Buckroo$ just to torture ourselves. We hope you enjoy our pain but we also do a deep dive into the good and bad history of Ren & Stimpy (along with it’s creator, John K.) There is plenty of nostalgia to soak in, along with the cringe of how awful John K is.

Ren & Stimpy Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 534 – Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems

Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems

The Randomizer works in mysterious ways. After throwing sports game after sports game in our faces, IT FINALLY THROWS US SOMETHING IN OUR WHEEL HOUSE — months after it would have been SEO relevant — BUT STILL! So this week we break down Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems for the SNES! We start off by enjoying some snacks sent by Better Than Us Choctopus, we talk about Call of Cthulhu and just a bit about Star Wars, and then we wrap things up with a glorious quiz from Ross-Rachel Green.

Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 514 – The Peace Keepers

The Peace Keepers

Are you like a lot of 90s kids and love the side scrolling beat ’em up genre? Are you one step beyond that and you’re a beat ’em up hipster and you’re all about a more obscure title from 1994 called The Peace Keepers? WELL GOOD FOR YOU SINCE WE SORT OF TALK ABOUT IT! But first we have updates on our children and our wives and we talk about hospitals and then eventually pirates and cars. But trust us, we spend a good chunk talking about this odd little gem. So please enjoy!

The Peace Keepers Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 500 – Final Fight 2

Final Fight 2

Hey! Listen! It’s (basically) episode #500! So we chose a big hit of nostalgia in the form of Final Fight 2: Electric Boogaloo. You know we have to bring a little Bailey Jay, a little cringe, a little weird sex story, and lots and lots of Mike Haggar.

Final Fight 2 Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

Ep. 498 – Todd McFarlane’s Spawn: The Video Game


With more cloaks and chains than a cultish orgy, we take a bribe and play Todd McFarlane’s Spawn, the 1995 action/beat ’em up for the Super Nintendo. Thanks Mysterious iTunes Donor- Tim I. Tunes who totally didn’t bribe us to produce an episode on this game, we dove full tilt into the 90s fest that is this game. We have plenty of deep religious discussion, sexual merchandise, and well researched John Leguizamo trivia.

Todd McFarlane’s Spawn: The Video Game Podcast Shownotes:


  • Don’t you miss an episode! Subscribe to TADPOG on iTunes.
  • Find us at tadpog.com or facebook.com/tadpog and let us know what you think of the show.
  • Call 270-883-2555 and leave us a voice mail. Relevant or not, we don’t mind. You could also text us. We’re down for that.
  • Follow us on Twitter @TADPOG_Podcast
  • Leave us an email at either tyler@tadpog.com or dave@tadpog.com, you could try tyler@dave.com but no promises.
  • Feel like helping out the show? We have a Patreon at www.patreon.com/tadpog if you feel so inclined.
  • Mail us something at: TADPOG Studios; c/o Nicole Nance; PO Box 3785; Paducah, KY 42002

