Ep. 810 – Brutal: Paws of Fury

Brutal: Paws of Fury has arrived, at long last, to TADPOG shores. You probably remember the art that was blasted all over the gaming magazines of it’s day. But you probably didn’t actually see and play the game and there may be a pretty good reason for it. But we’ll get to that. First things, this is a celebration as long time listener, Bubba Drewski, makes his first appearance as a guest host IN PERSON. We get an update on Ian’s X-Box reimbursement, Bubba Drewski reviews Pizza By The Pound, Dave searches for a Logitech G600, and Tyler dives headfirst in Vampire Survivors. Very important sandwiches are rolled for and then we really get into the details of Brutal: Paws of Fury. So please, come sit awhile and listen!

Brutal: Paws of Fury Shownotes:


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