Ep. 723 – HyperZone

HyperZone! Does that sound like a SNES game, a cheap 3rd party peripheral, or maybe a candy game at Chuck E. Cheese? Well, the one we are talking about is an SNES that is a totally new one on us. There is some Six Flags talk, some multiplayer game talk, and even a draft. There are some strong opinions about this strange, but in some ways not so strange, little game. But what are your favorite cartoons? Anyway, sit awhile and listen to some HyperZone talk, please!

HyperZone Shownotes:


Ep. 722 – True Lies (SNES)

True Lies (SNES)! That’s right, all these lies are true! We bring on our foremost truelieologist, Captain Gun Nerd Jon Turley to talk about the movie while we talk about the game for SNES. We do a draft, talk about Eastbound and Down, Joe Bob Briggs, that baby crying in Max Payne, stop motion movies, anime and more, a very deep dive into both the game and the movies so this episode is an especially thicc Girth Brooks. So please sit awhile and listen to our episode about True Lies (SNES)!

True Lies (SNES) Shownotes:


Ep. 721 – GP-1 & GP-1: Part II (SNES)

GP-1 & GP-1: Part II (SNES), YOU READ THAT RIGHT! We’ve finally decided to do the heralded GP series on the SNES! What? You’re not familiar? and the naming scheme for these games is bad and in the same vein as X-Boxes? I’m shocked. Outright and totally shocked. Well, please stick around for all that game talk. Maybe even a draft. There is some Cuphead talk to be had. We visit Ian’s Horror Hole and talk about some other movies as well. So please, come sit awhile and listen to GP-1 & GP-1: Part II (SNES)!

GP-1 & GP-1: Part II (SNES) Shownotes:


Ep. 720 – All Calls: Independence Day

All Calls: Independence Day! TADPOG know you were expecting some elite talk and deep dives into the GP racing series but very hard weeks were had and we needed a little more time and little podcast therapy this week. We will hit GP Part 1 and GP Part 2 next week, for now – All Calls: Independence Day! There is talk about some new TV we are looking forward to, some games that are being played and we take plenty of calls. And prepare ourselves of the incoming Age of Terrified Michelle. Please, sit awhile and listen!

All Calls: Independence Day Shownotes:


